Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Year in Review - 2007

I am using the first sentence of each post for every month of 2007, as a review of what I yakked about:

January -- Jerusalem, Here We Come! Not really. I mean I do good to travel 50 miles with the kids, I'm not going 6,420, which is how far it is from our fair little town to Jerusalem.

February -- I was all set to go on vacation and not feel guilty and then.... I was repacking the box of games and stuff I had gotten together and found notes from the kids to me that they had hidden in there.

March -- Pictures, pictures, pictures Here's a picture of Sophie "talking" to her momma" on the phone. When she hears her voice, she starts to kiss the phone.

April -- It's always something One thing about my blog - it's not
one of those that goes weeks at a time and when you check back, I've written, "Nothing to report."

May -- I got nuthin' In a mood that is fueled by Day 5 of pain killers after oral surgery, I have been unable to come up with anything even remotely interesting to write about.

June -- The Logical One When Jacob watches TV he really watches the commercials.

July -- Then why hasn't she blogged about it? That was the question Andi was asked by Big Guy when she was telling them how excited I was about the gift they gave me the other day.

August -- "Maybe he'll learn a lesson" I've heard this phrase more times than I can count since Ryan decided to increase his personal wealth by ingesting a Peso.

September --Desperate times call for desperate measures
*** The pictures in this post are of Jacob, but he is now covered with the Fifth's Disease rash and so his picture has been edited. ***Jacob has still not bought the first snack since we started our new way of doing things (which is working out great) and has been anxiously waiting for the moment when he could go to the bank and open a savings account.

October -- Tennesee Valley Railroad & the Zoo Today we started off our day with a train ride through the Tennessee Valley on a refurbished train.

November -- Reason #6587 why I homeschool I was giving Ryan his spelling test this morning and the word was thumb. Ryan spelled it thum. I asked what was on the end of it. You could see his mind working and then the well thought out answer.............. Your thumbnail.

December -- It's Well Hidden I just asked Wesley to help me lift a table up on my kitchen table so I could paint it.

And there you have it - a very brief synopsis of our year. I thought it was funny that in April I wrote that I always had something to write about and in May my post started off with "I got nuthin'" Ordinarily, that wouldn't happen, but as the post said, 5 days of pain killers had muddled my brain.

Let me know if you give it a whirl so I can check it out.