Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Here's a picture of Sophie "talking" to her momma" on the phone. When she hears her voice, she starts to kiss the phone.

Sophie has been in a great mood the last week or so. The doctor changed her reflux medicine and I think she is feeling better than she has felt in her whole entire life - all 6 1/2 months of it. She is puking so much less, she can actually wear the same clothes AND bib the entire day. Her normal bib quota was about 10 daily. She is smiling more, fussing less and generally overall, a much happier baby.

She is also learning to say, "Hi" and wave. She says Hi with a very long drawn out i - like Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. It's funny. In actuality, she probably isn't saying Hi at all, but I can say she is, because that's what us Mamaws do. We stretch the truth about the genius of our grandbabies.