Friday, September 01, 2006

Well, it could have been worse

I have tried Acetone, Goof Off and Oops on the "great super glue screw-up" as it's come to be known in my mind -- or as Wes so kindly says, "That's where Momma super-glued the counter" He always draws out the accidentally word like it makes it easier to believe that nobody in their right mind would do that on purpose. And he's right.

The Super Glue Corporation has an area on their website with all kinds of helpful information should you super glue various body parts together. It had this to say about eyelids:

"In the event that eyelids are stuck together or bonded to the eyeball, wash thoroughly with warm water and apply a gauze patch. The eye will open without further action within 1-4 days."

I thought what the heck, I'll give it a try, however, applying a bandage did nothing to remove the spot off the counter - better luck with your eyelid should it come to that.

I've decided I should just paint it and move on. While I was pondering this though, I got an e-mail from my favorite cousin, Judie, with this little tid-bit of super-glue fiasco:

I got caught up a little bit on your "blog" and wanted to let you know there is another use for super glue although I don't recommend it.

Laura spent the night with one of her friends a couple of years ago and came back home the next morning with a new hairdo. Her friend knows how to cornrow hair. Laura wanted her to fix her hair like that but didn't have any rubber bands,

I guess you know where this is going. They decided nail glue, which is super glue, would work.

She had ten braids from her forehead to just halfway back braided and glued to her head where the braid ended. Not just a little glue.

We started out using soap and water then nail polish remover, peanut butter, sugar, goo-gone and two days later and a big bottle of straight acetone along with tears and promises never to do anything like that again we finally got it out. It took 10 hours with just the acetone.

Like I said -- it could have been worse. I'm just picturing poor Laura with her silky black hair glued to her head. And she doesn't even have an excuse that it was ac-ci-den-tal.

My friend, Heidi, has just started a blog today - a birthday present to herself. She's 34 - why are so many of my friends so much younger than me? So pay her a visit when you get time and tell her happy birthday.

Lastly, I'm going to finish this post with a picture - not of Sophie as you might have come to expect, but of a picture specifically for my friend, Patricia (who sent the sweetest cards and gifts for Sophie last week,- thanks you so much for loving Sophie with us). I was writing about going to Save A Lot the other day and she emailed me about it later. They have a Save A Lot near her but she said she didn't know whether or not to shop there.

I told her to go for the bacon if nothing else - it is THE best. So of course, once you mention bacon to a fellow bacon lover, they want bacon. It's almost like you can smell it or as she said, "Oh and thanks for planting the "bacon" seed in my mind." I was telling her how nicely it fried up (although I bake it so it's not messy) and it was still a good size when it was done and oh so yummy. So the seed was planted - now to sit back and watch it grow.......

Yes, Patricia - that is an 8 inch piece of cooked bacon. Don't try to tell me that you can cook Emge or Field or whoever is around you and end up with an 8 inch piece of bacon. So GO to Save A Lot and buy the Bob & Ted bacon - they know how to make bacon.

I know I said the bacon picture was last, but it took so long to post, I changed my mind and decided to throw these in of Sophie. She was on my lap and I'm trying to make her picture by myself by just holding the camera up in the air and pointing it in her general direction. These were the best of the bunch - at least she was in the frame. Here are some of the less desirable ones I managed to snap before I accepted that it is almost impossible to take a picture this way... and before I ticked her off.
And for ONE last picture - really - this is of the little girl that my friend Teresa babysat for. Holding her during our visit to Virginia was what made me long to hold Sophie. This little beauty is 8 months old in this picture and has never had a bite of food - only breast milk. I love the dimples, the chubby little arms - that smile. She is gorgeous! I sent this picture to Andi and told her that someday Sophie might look like this.

Hey - a Mamaw can dream!