Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I got nuthin'

In a mood that is fueled by Day 5 of pain killers after oral surgery, I have been unable to come up with anything even remotely interesting to write about. I thought when the stitches were removed from my mouth yesterday I would be feeling great, but it was not to be.

So taking a cue from Patricia ~~and I know she didn't regret it :) ~~ I will open up my blog to questions from my readers. I, however, am going to be smarter learning from her mistake and lay down some ground rules.

1. No offensive questions will be answered and will, in fact, be deleted. This is a Christian, family friendly blog. I've done a lot of dumb things but really, there's no sense in going over that here.

2. No more than 5 questions per person.

Yep, that should cover it. If nobody asks anything, well at least I've posted today. So ask away and that will give my brain a jump start. In fact, why not de-lurk and ask some questions. Not only will you learn something about me, but I will learn something about you. What a deal for both of us.

Now, where's that Lortab?