Sunday, July 01, 2007

Then why hasn't she blogged about it?

That was the question Andi was asked by Big Guy when she was telling them how excited I was about the gift they gave me the other day. It's almost stupid how excited I am about it.

Because I wanted the ice and water dispenser, I bought a side by side refrigerator a few years ago and I have never liked it. There's no room in there for anything!

Ben and Jacob delivered this extra fridge to me Friday morning and by Friday afternoon, it was cleaned, cold and filled with all manner of extra things that I don't have room for in the house. It had just been out in Andi and Jacob's garage, just sitting for over a year, so I was thrilled when they offered it to me.

I was able to make ahead a large crockpot of meat for the 4th, put Bill's lunchbox in there, a large container of meat marinating for dinner, and gallons of extra milk, along with lots of other things

I figure just being able to store the milk alone will make up for any extra electricity it uses. We go through about a gallon of milk per day. As anyone knows, no matter if you just run into the grocery for milk, you come out with sacks full of groceries. Or is that just me?