Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Home & Sick

Jamie and I got a lot done during our visit -- we got her dining room painted, both bedrooms painted for the kids, bead board painted to go along the bottom of the walls in both kids' bedrooms, the bead board put up in the boys room and just for good measure -- I built her 2 pantries that are 7 foot tall connected by shelves. She was seriously short on kitchen cabinets, so that should help.

The entire time I was there, I felt like dog doo. Seems like I've felt that way for so many weeks now, it's almost normal. Jamie was tired and nauseous, but as we found out on day 2 of our work frenzy, it turns out she is pregnant. It was at that moment, she abandoned the diet she has been on for months, leaving me alone to soldier on. Pregnancy was not (thank you God) the cause of my sickness.

We came home last night and a call to my friendly hometown Dr. arranged a meeting in the ER this morning where I didn't have to register or pay. I love living in a small town. He was on call today and he met me at the door, and we whisked by everyone to a small room off the side where after a careful examination I was given medicine to treat pneumonia. The last three weeks has seen this cough progress from bronchitis to pneumonia. I don't doubt it. I have been hacking my head off and I won't even discuss my other major symptom.

Suffice to say that the makers of Kleenex are happy with me and every pharmacist in town probably thinks I'm making meth due to the amount of nasal decongestants I have bought in the last 7 weeks.

But now I have a very strong 20 day course of antibiotic so hopefully that will do the trick. The previous 2 rounds of antibiotics and the steroid pack hasn't touched this junk.

In other family news, we arrived home to find 5 packages containing new school books. The kids were jumping around excitedly. I watched in wonder, knowing that within a few days that joy will turn into something more along the lines of "do we have to study time and money today?"

Ryan was the most excited because all of his books were first grade. Suddenly he seems much older. It's true - the older we get, the faster time goes.