Monday, January 01, 2007

Jerusalem, Here We Come!

Not really. I mean I do good to travel 50 miles with the kids, I'm not going 6,420, which is how far it is from our fair little town to Jerusalem. Our church is starting a walking program on the 14th of this month, called Walk to Jerusalem. Everyone who has signed up will log their miles each week and collectively we hope to make it there by Easter -- on a map. This, by the way, is NOT my foot. Or anyone I know for that matter.

The kids and I will be keeping up with the miles and charting the progress everyone makes, while posting interesting tidbits about the place we reach each week. That will be a nifty little side homeschooling project for us.

Andi and I are beginning our "training" in the morning. As Andi left tonight she was mentioning too small shoes and ingrown toenails and all manner of excuses. But with or without her, I will be walking with the kids five days a week -- or at least doing the Walk Away the Pounds video - the 4 mile one. That's what I did last year - (you know, 2006) to help me lose weight. My weight loss goal for this year is 30 pounds. If I do that, I will be at a number my scale has not stopped at in years - and that will be a good thing.
Here is a picture of me from December 05 and December 06. I want the one in December 07 to look even better.

With that in mind, it's back to the grindstone for me and this time I'm dragging some of my family along with me.
A group from our church also started the Read the Bible in 90 days program today. I decided to do my reading out loud to Jacob - and any of the other kids that want to listen. I knew he was old enough to sit and listen and he loves for me to read to him. I also thought this would be a great way to be accountable - because you can't skip over parts if you're reading out loud - it just doesn't make as much sense. So although it will take a lot longer to read it out loud each day, than to skim it to myself - that is exactly what I'm counting on NOT doing - skimming. It will be good for both of us.
So we are starting our new year with new habits to be started and maintained. Yikes! Such ambition!