Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Truly, a little bribe never hurts

Jacob got up early this morning and decided if somebody was going to be slicing and stitching on him, they needed to be in a good mood. With that in mind, he made the dentist a loaf of fresh banana bread. He was very brave and is now at home doing his "recovering" on the couch. The dentist gave me a big supply of Tylenol with codeine and told me to keep it in him for a couple of days. Watching this procedure, I think that was the closest I have ever come to passing out in my life. My arms started tingling, my neck started tingling, my legs were feeling weak. Watching Trauma in the ER on TLC in no way prepares you for seeing part of your child's mouth sliced away. I had to leave the room and go get a drink and sit for a minute. When I came back, Jacob is flopping his hand around at me as if to say, "hey, you're supposed to be holding this thing." So I did - but not without great personal sacrifice.

Andi has decided she is alright with Bophie. She was sitting down at my computer last night and I could tell she was going to pull up my blog, so I quickly told her I loved her. She paused and just looked at me and finally said, "you wrote about Bophie, didn't you?" Man, that girl knows me well. She is still in a great mood over her baby Bophie party we had, so Bophie's MeMaw can do no wrong at the moment.

And I will finish off this little post with the wonderful news that Kaleb Owens is HOME from the hospital. He arrived home yesterday to a home which has been fixed to meet his needs, cheering neighbors, and a busload of kids from his elementary school. Kaleb will begin his extensive rehab now and will even be attending school a few hours a week. From a dire Thanksgiving prediction of a child never waking up from a coma - to a boy being in school 10 weeks later. Our God reigns!