Sunday, January 01, 2006

Now that Christmas is over

I am getting ready to start a home improvement project. When Bill goes to Florida for his annual fishing trip in February, I will be remodeling our bathroom. It's the best of both worlds for both of us. He goes to fish and comes home and it's done - pretty painless for him. For me, he goes to fish and I can do what I want in there - pretty painless for me.

The walls will be painted beadboard - about this color.
It will have a new vanity, sink, toilet, medicine and linen cabinet - all in white. I am taking the tub out and having a tile shower built. I never wanted a tub in the first place but Billski convinced me it would be great for resell value. Since we no longer intend to resell, I am having the tub removed.

The kids now audibly groan when I mention Home Depot or Lowes, so they stayed with their dad today after church while I made trip #42 to Lowes. I bought the material to build the linen cabinet and will probably start working on that tomorrow.

Edited to add after first comment: Lest anyone think that I missed church to go on this excursion - I went to Lowes AFTER church and AFTER I went to the grocery, got the kids in play clothes, the laundry stated and fixed lunch and BEFORE I cooked dinner for everyone. Home Improvement projects do not replace everyday life. I VERY SELDOM miss ANY church service - Sunday, Wednesday or Friday - and certainly NOT for shopping.

Happy New Year everyone.