Monday, October 01, 2007

Tennesee Valley Railroad & the Zoo

Today we started off our day with a train ride through the Tennessee Valley on a refurbished train. At the halfway point, we got out and watched the train be turned on a turntable for the return trip. That was very cool and everyone enjoyed the ride. Ryan, the train nut of the family was in his own little world throughout the ride.

We spent the afternoon at the zoo, which isn't as large as the one at home, but they had some neat exhibits. Red pandas for example. I had never heard of a red panda - it looks like a big raccoon. They also had some really neat wood carvings throughout the zoo.

After we left the zoo, we watched a movie at the IMAX. It was a 3D movie of ocean life. It was way cool. Wes would not wear his 3D glasses because all of the images coming at him were kinda scary.

Once we got done there, we wandered around downtown a bit before coming back to the room to watch Willie Wonka while I did this bit of blogging. After it's over, we will go get some dinner and then back to swim and relax.

Day 2 is almost done - everyone is having a good time.