Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Keeping Busy

Lo, those many years ago, before Jacob was born, I was at home on bed rest, or recliner rest, on and off for the last few months. So I had quit my job about 4 months before he was actually born. Frankly, I was bored out of my skull. So I got in the habit of doing one job around the house every day so that I would at least be able to report something (albeit at times, somewhat sarcastically) to Bill each evening when he asked, "how was your day?" I would get to tell him something exciting like, "Oh, I cleaned the slats in the closet doors." (which I eventually just got sick of cleaning and replaced with solid doors) They weren't big jobs. It might be scrubbing the gaskets in the door of the refrigerator. Or organizing the spices. I'm telling you - at that point I was looking for any way to feel useful other than just being pregnant. Anyway, I got in this habit of a "one thing a day" job. And for the most part, I still do it. In the past week, I have used a toothbrush to scrub all around the kitchen faucets thoroughly. Scrubbed out the kitchen trashcan. I have cleaned out under the sink cabinet in the kitchen. I have cleaned the cabinet in the kitchen that holds all the paper plates, cups, etc. They are all little jobs. Hardly any of them take more than a few minutes, but overall, it keeps the house neater. Yesterday, Jacob helped me and we went through our bathroom medicine closet and threw away all of the expired medicines. My closet is pretty well organized to begin with. It was already organized it with a lot of tubs for different types of medicines - eliminating most of the searching needed to find what you are looking for. But now it is safer too.