Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Year in Review

Following Amy's example, I am using the first sentence of each month of 2006, here is what I yakked about:

January -- I am getting ready to start a home improvement project.

February --
Jacob got up early this morning and decided if somebody was going to be slicing and stitching on him, they needed to be in a good mood.

March -- Lo, those many years ago, before Jacob was born, I was at home on bed rest, or recliner rest, on and off for the last few months.

April -- Remember this?

May -- Jamie and I got a lot done during our visit -- we got her dining room painted, both bedrooms painted for the kids, bead board painted to go along the bottom of the walls in both kids' bedrooms, the bead board put up in the boys room and just for good measure -- I built her 2 pantries that are 7 foot tall connected by shelves.

June -- It's the little things that make my kids happy.

July -- The kids all enjoyed camp this week.

August -- When I was pregnant with Jacob I wanted to name him Benjamin.

September -- I have tried Acetone, Goof Off and Oops on the "great super glue screw-up" as it's come to be known in my mind -- or as Wes so kindly says, "That's where Momma super-glued the counter"

October -- A fish has to really want to die to jump out of a house this big through a hole smaller than the size of a dime.

November --
When Andi and I took Sophie to the Health Department last week for her shots, the "nice" nurse was walking toward us and asking, "So, is this Sophia?".....and just as she was saying Sophia, she turned and looked down at Sophie and loudly exclaimed, "OH Double Chin."

December --
What exactly is a Chris Tr?

And there you have it - a very brief synopsis of our year. Let me know if you give it a whirl so I can check it out.