Friday, December 29, 2006

So my dad calls this afternoon

to ask what we are up to this weekend. I tell him we have no plans and ask what he has on his mind. He asks if I would like to bring the kids over tomorrow and let them play with his new remote control truck he got for Christmas. Drive it around the yard and such. Go out for some lunch. Now, this truck is about 2 foot long and I know they would love doing that, so I am quick to agree to come over. Even without the lunch thrown in.

We talk a bit more and then as we are about to hang up, he nonchalantly throws out a, "Oh, I almost forgot, could you pick something up and bring it over for me?"

"Sure," I replied, "What is it?"

"A dog." he answered, right as he was busting out laughing. Then he asked me if I felt used. He could hardly talk for laughing. I can just imagine him rehearsing this little ploy before he called and I am cracking up with him.

I assured him that I did feel used, but that was OK, I was going to be using him soon enough. He and Nana called yesterday out of the blue to volunteer to watch all the kids in February so I can go on vacation with Andi and Big Guy.....and Sophie. I hadn't even asked them to do this - wouldn't even have considered it.

So I'm trading the delivery of one big dog for 8 days of child care -- who's laughing now, daddy?

************************************************************ Edited Saturday night to add some pictures of the day - We all had a great time at Pappaw and Nana's. The new dog immediately felt right at home and was well on his way to being spoiled by the time we left.

This could be a great exercise program, because Jacob was happy to chase the truck all over the yard.

When the battery ran out, Wes was happy to just carry the truck.

Guess who won the argument over who gets to carry the truck back inside?

Jacob was the only one who could make the truck do wheelies and he's not even sure how he did it.
Big Guy started off the fun by driving the truck right out of the house and down the steps while Ryan looked on in amazement.