Monday, January 30, 2006

The Weekend Report

It has certainly been a quiet weekend. Jacob and Carly went home with my dad on Friday and what a difference that makes. Not a good difference. Wesley, Ryan and I are going to go pick them up tomorrow, so that things can get back to normal. Nana is in Maryland helping my stepsister get things packed to move here, so Pappaw needed some company. And with Carly around, there is never a lull in the conversation.

Saturday, my friend, Vicki and I went shopping for things like towels, shower curtain, etc. for the bathroom. It was great to get out and spend some time with her. Bill and the boys hung out at home and then in the afternoon, Andi, Big Guy and I watched Duke win again. Never get tired of that. After church yesterday, Bill took Wes and Ryan to fly kites while I made lunch. Then they made another batch - double this time - of those great chocolate chip cookies. I have been giving those away right and left.

Today, Wesley, Ryan and I did errands all day long - getting the rest of the tile stuff for the bathroom and looking for some school books at used book stores. We had no luck with the books and on the way home, Andi called me and told me that a woman came into the store where she worked and told Andi that she was done homeschooling her 6 kids. She said she had a ton of ABeka books and if I wanted them to just call her. I called her and the first books she mentioned were the ones I had just spent hours looking for - and would have paid for. Quite an unexpected blessing from God.

This morning Andi had another ultrasound and at last things are looking great. We have spent the past couple of weeks a bit on edge because there were just a few things not going exactly right with the baby. Hoping and praying that is all behind her now and with that in mind, MeMaw went shopping. I needed to go buy some gifts for some other pregnant friends, so I found myself at Babies R Us today. I think I could really like that store if I tried. Obviously, unless we find out the sex of the baby, everything the child gets is going to be yellow. So this may be all I buy till we find out - but it was fun shopping for him/her. I got 3 little onesies with matching burp rags, 3 gowns, 5 other onesies, a blanket bag and a Swaddleme blanket which I think will be really cool. So I wrapped everything and then had a little "party" for Andi and Big Guy this evening. It was just the three of us - but it was fun to see them open their presents. I told them it was time for me to stop being afraid something was going to go wrong and to start getting ready. I think they agreed. The baby was measuring perfectly, had grown, had a strong heartbeat and Andi's bleeding stopped 3 days ago, so we are all relaxing a bit. Within seconds of the technician putting the wand on Andi's belly, we saw the baby wave at us - it was like it was telling us, "hey, it's all good." Wes and Ryan went in to see the baby (after we knew everything was OK) and were just amazed at it. They also liked looking at the pictures of the triplets and quads on the wall, but couldn't convince Andi that was the way to go.