Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Well, I thought I was picking up Carly and Jacob

but not only did Carly stay, but Wesley and Ryan did too. So now, instead of being back at 4 kids, I'm down to one. A quick trip to Wal-Mart for a change of clothes and new socks and underwear and the boys were all set to stay a couple of days. Pappaw is enjoying the company and they are having a blast with him.

Jacob is having gum surgery tomorrow to take care of a problem and so I will be able to just sit around and baby him. His top gum grows down between his top teeth and no amount of braces will be able to get those teeth together till the gum is gone. So it is clip and stitch for him in the morning. Now that it is just the two of us, he said I could go in with him and hold his hand. Yippee. Where's the kids when you need them?