Sunday, January 22, 2006

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Bill went to Wal-Mart this afternoon and came home with a couple of bags of
Ghiradelli chocolate chips. Not wanting to waste such goodness, it seemed like the perfect time to try out this recipe I saw the other day on
Domestic Diva . So Bill took it upon himself to make the cookies while I laid around in the recliner. The amount of vanilla is missing in her recipe, so Bill used 1 tsp. This plan worked for me just fine. In just a matter of minutes, the smell of goodness was coming my way. If you follow the link, you will find the recipe and you will NOT be sorry -- unless you are dieting, and then you may curse the day you clicked the link. Willpower is needed here. I only ate 2. Andi ate 2, but the baby ate about 4! Yummy, yummy stuff - and if you can find someone to make them for you, so much the better.