Friday, January 06, 2006

Weird things

Tee - God bless her heart - tagged me to play this little game - so here goes: It only has one rule. Hope I can follow it.

"The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals."

Perri's 5 weird habits

I sleep with 2 teddy bears. I can only really be sleeping good if I have my arm curled around one laying on my body pillow and the other one is under my pillow and I hold his arm. I have been like this for about 20 years. This habit started with this.

If I am going on a trip I will print out driving directions and then follow them to the last degree. I will set my trip meter over and over with each line of the directions - even if it is just a mile. I like to know where I am going.

I don't think this is weird but many people do. I detest cheese and I do not like Kool Whip. Both are gross textures.

Whenever I see an appropriate sized pole, stick or other piece of wood, I pick it up and twirl it like a baton to see if all those years of lessons are still with me. They are.

Whenever I am getting ready to work in the garage on some project using power tools, I always make sure Jacob knows what to do in case I scream at him because I've cut my finger off or something of that nature.

That's all I can come up with now, but as soon as I hit Publish, I'm sure my weirdness will be all I can think about.

So now -- I tag Jamie, Teresa, Patricia , Lyn, Amy, Barbara and Lea.

Yes, I know that's more than 5. Too many rules confuse me.

Later: As I was cleaning up the dinner dishes, I picked up the rag to use it and automatically smelled it before I used it. Is that weird? I can't recall ever having a mildewed rag in my kitchen - we usually go through several a day - but somewhere along the line, I must have encountered this unpleasantness. I'll post more weirdness as it comes to me.

Even later: As I was watching TV tonight, I saw someone get a tracheotomy on a show. For years, I wanted to perform an emergency trach on someone with a ball point pen. Nobody ever volunteered and I'm pretty much over that now.

Maybe the most weirdest of all -- I think the name Farnarner is starting to grow on me for Billski's grandpa name. How weird is THAT?