Friday, January 06, 2006

Update on Kaleb Owens - Please keep praying

Update from Kaleb's Mom
FRIDAY, JANUARY 06, 2006 09:30 AM, CST
Today is a day to PRAISE GOD!!!!
Kaleb's Status has been once again upgraded! He no longer is in a coma. Medically speaking he is "minimally conscious". He is at the upper end of minimally conscious. This means that he is beginning to respond to things when asked and his eyes are opening on command. Kaleb has come so far. What we are looking for now is for him to become "more" aware of his surroundings.
Kaleb will have an eye exam to see how his eyes are doing. We believe that he can see because when we put drops in his eyes, he tries to close his eyes and pull back. They will check his eyes some what like how they checked his hearing. They will use electronic impulses and check the brain waves at the same time.
Kaleb is also going to begin to have speech therapy five days a week instead of three. This is really good for him because this therapy really stimulates the brain. The other therapies are good too, but they focus on making sure Kaleb is tone and fit. Speech therapy gets him to use his brain in ways that it has not done in a while. It gets his mouth to taste things and let his brain know that there is something in his mouth.
Kaleb's hearing is still the same. He will get fitted for hearing aids fairly soon. They believe that the hearing aids will help his recovery too. Help him hear clearly what he asked to do.
Well I believe that is all the good news I have for now. Please pray that God allows Kaleb to become more aware of his surroundings. God is so good to us. He has healed Kaleb this much and he deserves all the credit. He has answered our prayers that Kaleb wake up and come out of his coma, but now we must pray for this new journey that Kaleb will embark. We must continue to pray for a complete healing of his brain. But we know that Kaleb must take baby steps along the way.