Monday, September 12, 2005

Momma, I'm not trying to be morbid BUT

when you die can I have your bear? This is what Andi asked the other day. She wants my teddy bear. Zac gave it to me when he was about 2 and his dad and I had just separated -- so I didn't have to sleep alone. It was a very sweet gesture and as you can tell, I didn't sleep alone. His original eyes are long gone and he has been repaired in about a dozen places. He has lost so much stuffing out of his belly that his legs practically go up to his arms. His nose looks like it's been broken and his arm is permanently twisted out of shape from the way he is held when I sleep. Bear has been through a lot, but is still hanging in there. And yes, she can have him. So if I don't get around to changing my will for this one item -- it's Andi's.