Sunday, January 08, 2006

Well, it happened again

There was a young lady at church Wednesday night who had been coming for some time but I hadn't ever really had a "get to know you" talk with her. So I did that. And I thought she was very sweet. We talked about our kids and such. Then Wes walked up and she asked THE question.

"So is this one of your grandkids?" Did I say I thought she was sweet? Maybe I have developed an "I'm a grandmother" look in the past week since I found out I was going to be one. I don't think so though.

Oh sure, it was funny to all my friends. And she did have an appropriate look of mortification on her face when I told her he was my son. And it was kinda interesting to watch her try to explain herself - which she did a good job of actually. She said she thought Andi was my daughter because we looked alike and always hugged and kissed goodbye - so she thought my kids were grown. Good deductive reasoning on her part. So I give her points for that. And I told her Andi was my daughter. But then -- hand her the shovel because she was digging in deeper. She said she thought Wesley must be Andi's son. Which would have made Andi a very young mamma.

Deduct points. But alas, she's not the first and I'm sure she won't be the last to make that mistake. Either people are grandparents at a very young age or I must look much older than my age, which is rapidly approaching 45 this week.

All in all though - I still think she was a sweet girl.