Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Update on my dad

The plan is to move my dad to a new unit in the hospital today. It is called "The Serenity Unit". In my opinion the name is quite misleading, since The Serenity Unit is designed for patients with the potential to "be combative or who might try to escape." Sounds like quite the serene spot, doesn't it?

Anyway, he will be there for 10 - 14 days as his mental status is evaluated and his medicines regulated. He will then be admitted into a nursing home. I'm going to check out another one this afternoon.

I'm learning as I go and just keep praying that I don't make too many mistakes. Yesterday, I had the easy job in the family. While everyone else was packing up and moving out everything we had just moved in two days before, I was sitting with my dad, waiting for the doctor. He didn't get there till almost 2 and by then, they were just about finished. Andi and I finished it up last night and I cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed.

With that - independent apartment living was done. The only thing that keeps me from beating myself up over all of this work was that having seen my dad last week, both my brother and Andi also thought he was capable of staying by himself with just us being close by.

Today, cancellations and returns begin and we move on to the next option. Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers for our family. 99% of the time, I've been amazingly calm, but then it all hits me and I sob like the baby my dad sometimes now acts like.