Tuesday, September 02, 2008

and in other news........

no, wait - there is no other news. I feel like I've been an absent, wife, mom, teacher, friend for the past 2 weeks. But it will be better. I've decided on a place to put my dad once he is out of The Serenity Unit. He wasn't moved today, due to bed space and it may be Thursday before he is. He did have a repeat CT scan today, since he has fallen 3 times since the one they did last week. His blood sugar is all over the place - from a low of 28 this morning to 275 just a few hours later. He will spend 2 weeks at "Serenity" and then he will move into the new "Seasons" unit of a nursing home a few blocks from here.

It is a 12 bed unit for Alzheimer's patients. There are currently 9 patients. They are segregated from the rest of the nursing home and have their own dining room and activity director. They have a private courtyard with a small walking path and Atticus can visit him. I'm comfortable with the choice and relieved that it's so nice.