Saturday, August 30, 2008


Today was not any better with my dad. I asked my brother to take him to his house for a few hours this evening so I could just relax. It only took him 2 hours to decide that dad was never going to be able to live on his own and we have an appointment in the morning to begin the admission process to put him in a nursing home.

We will admit him to the hospital and from there into a nursing home. Since he doesn't have a doctor in Indiana yet, I'm praying this doesn't hold things up.

I took Dad out to lunch today before we went to get him new glasses. He couldn't feed himself, so I fed him. As I was driving home, I looked over to see him trying to eat the box the food was in. Not the food, the box.

This is unbelievably hard. I've never seen anyone deteriorate so quickly. My mind knows this is best for him - to be able to have round the clock care. Knowing that doesn't make it any easier on my heart. At all.