Friday, August 29, 2008

2 steps forward - 1 step back

I have no idea what went went wrong today with my dad. Today was moving day. My sister in law and I were only about 20 miles from home, headed to Illinois, when my phone rang.

The caller ID said home, but when I answered, a voice I didn't recognize was asking if I was Perri.

"Yes," I replied.

"Well, mam, this is the Warrick County EMT service and we are in your house with your dad. He called 911 for help."

That was the only clear information I have been able to get today. There were four shot needles full of insulin for the next two day's use and the paramedics said they were all empty.

My dad said the 2 morning ones had leaked and were stuck together and the plungers were stuck. When he was trying to unstick them, he had them in his mouth pulling the plunger with his teeth and swallowed all the insulin.

Which of course worried him that he would die from that, so he called 911. I have no problem with that. I wouldn't know the answer to that question either. In case you don't know - it's harmless.

Here's where it gets tricky. The 2 evening shots were also empty and I don't know if he took those - but the paramedics gave him a shot of insulin. So if they gave him a shot and he had already given himself two, I will just blame that for his behavior and be glad it wasn't worse than it was.

I had called Andi right after they called and she was here within minutes. After awhile the EMTs said they thought he would be fine, so Andi stayed with him and we continued on.

Vicki left school to come check his blood sugar for us --- obviously something I need to know how to do. But all day long he was just off. He has been perfectly lucid for about 7 days. He even went to Sonic and the movies yesterday by himself. But today was awful.

As he kept trying to tell me what happened, he would refer to the "911 shot." His mind was totally confused today, just about all day long.

He couldn't get his shoes on all day long. He couldn't tie them. I would ask him to put one on (because he insisted he could) and he would instead take off the one I had just put on.

We were putting stuff away in his apartment this evening and he was sitting down and basically missed the chair, falling into the floor.

Like I said, today was awful. There was one very bright spot though. The doctor called and said dad's CT Scan was perfectly normal and his brain looked great.

Dad will be with us at least until Tuesday because that is when his phone will be turned on. Between now and then, we are going to have to come up with a plan and I think it will involve either Jacob or me going to his house first thing in the morning and last thing at night to give him his medicine. That will probably be a great time for walking Atticus - who IS the best dog in the world :)

My mind is weary with trying to make the best decisions.