Tuesday, December 25, 2007

TV Guardian

The kids received 2 TV Guardians today. It was their main Christmas gift and I'm really looking forward to getting them hooked up. One will go on the TV in their play room and one will go on my TV. This machine will filter out over 150 curse words or phrases and either mute them or turn them into something that the parents deem acceptable. For example, the movie Spiderman has 29 unacceptable words or phrases and with the TV Guardian, there will be none.

So, while it might not be the most glamorous of gifts, they are very excited because it is going to allow them to watch a whole lot more movies than they are allowed to presently.

Edited to add: We purchased our through www.dvo.com, which is the cheapest I have found them. They sell for $99.95 at Family Christian stores and are always excluded from their sales.