Tuesday, December 25, 2007

14 Christmases with Billski and .........

he finally got it right - well, with the exception of the poinsettia, which we will let slide in the spirit of Christmas.

No fancy jewelry, no clothes I would never wear, no designer handbags, no nick-nacks that will go undusted -- none of that stuff this year. Instead I got this: I feel like Ralphie must have felt when he opened his Red Ryder BB gun. I received a new plunging Router and table for it, a set of 30 router bits to make cool mouldings and designs, some new clamps, a joiner tool for putting legs on tables, some sandpaper, a thing to make wood plugs with, some biscuits for joining wood and a nifty tool bag.

We all had a wonderful day - peaceful and calm. I love that. We did all kinds of stuff this morning and watched the kids Christmas program DVD while we had breakfast. We missed it at church, since it was the day that Keegan was born, so we saw it for the first time today. Finally about 11, we got around to opening our gifts.

Everyone was very happy with the things they got, but I think the kids liked their coupons best of all. They each got a coupon with a choice of doing several items on the coupon from going to a cave, to train rides, the IMAX theater, putt-putt, etc. They are making their plans on what to choose. It will just be one child at a time - going somewhere with either mom and dad or in some cases -- like ice skating -- with Andi & Big Guy.

Big Guy is also going to be the one who gets the joy of going on the Wild Cave tour with little Jacob. They are both looking forward to that trip.
Last week we gave Sophie a present to see how she would react. She said thank you and then promptly set the box down and sat on it, going "Ooohhhh." Since then she has had several gift sessions at her other grandparents, so today she knew just what to do.

Her hair looks a bit wild, but that's because we had to pull the puppy hat off of her to take the picture.