Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Family Life Answers

I don't want my children to be spoiled so I make sure for some things and understand the value of money.

I may not be a perfect chef, but my kids love it when I cook....meatball sandwiches. Frozen meatballs heated in sauce and slapped on a hoagie bun - a crowd favorite every time.

I felt like Super Mom when I .....actually - just a few minutes ago. Jacob and his friend, Sam, came to get me at 10 pm to watch a movie with them. I was asking if they were sure they wanted me and they said yes. Sam even added that I wasn't like some old "lame" mom and Jacob said I was a cool mom because I liked to be around my kids and then Sam added how fun I was because I was always dancing around in the kitchen. I told them I would probably fall asleep and Sam said they would try to pick me up and carry me to my bed. Armed with that assurance, we went off merrily to watch National Treasure and about 20 minutes later, they were both snoring.

OR - as Teresa reminded me when this happened, I should have worn a cape because I WAS supermom.

I realized I had turned into my mom when I heard myself say.....My mothering style is different than my mom, but I have looked down before to see a Kleenex sticking out of my shirt sleeve in the winter - just like she always did.

They may not thank me now, but when they're older my child will thank me for.... teaching them to do chores. All of them are already able to do things that a some kids graduate from high school having never done.

My proudest moment as a mom that sticks out is when Andi got up in church and gave her testimony. She talked about God's plan for our lives and how wrong she had been about not wanting me to have a baby when she was a teenager. She also took Jacob for show and tell that same year and spoke about how he was the greatest blessing our family had ever received. This was before any of the other kids had joined us.

My little kids constantly make me proud with their spirit of giving to others. They have very tender hearts.

My most prized gift from my children are... special letters from Andi and Zac, a teddy bear from Zac and a multitude of notes and drawings from all of them.

My kids know not to interrupt me when....really - this should read, My kids have been told to not interrupt me when ..... and then I would the shower unless it's an emergency, but it's been determined that something such as not being able to get the peanut butter lid off the jar constitutes an emergency to them so really I think I'm fair game at all times.