Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Family Life

I was reading Family Circle this afternoon and on the last page is a monthly feature called My Family Life. Oddly enough nothing much is going on around here so I thought I would borrow steal this idea from them for a post.

Feel free to copy it and post your own answers - let me know if you do, so I can check it out. In order to make it super easy for you to do that, I'm going to post the lead in statements first -- then I will answer them. So all you have to do is copy the statements to your own blog. I'm so considerate when I'm encouraging others to also steal an idea.

So copy and answer the following:

I don't want my children to be spoiled so I make sure they...
I may not be a perfect chef, but my kids love it when I cook....
I felt like Super Mom when I .....
I realized I had turned into my mom when I heard myself say.....
They may not thank me now, but when they're older my child will thank me for....
My proudest moment as a mom was...
My most prized gift from my children are...
My kids know not to interrupt me when....

OK - now for my answers.........