Friday, November 16, 2007


Yesterday, Patricia made up a word. I'll admit it. I was a bit bitter with her word making up prowess since the word I made up last year turned out to be not only a word, but a word already in the dictionary.

Snacktivity - now that was an awesome word. No wonder it takes a genius to understand my thinking.

Anyhoo (which probably isn't a word), I took Patricia's challenge to make up my own word yesterday. I failed miserably. Nothing was inspiring me. Too much going on in my brain.

She emailed me this morning to inquire how my inventing was going and I had to admit I had failed miserably. Yes, I know that's redundant, but I have too much going on in my brain to come up with something different. So I just told her my brain was too muddled up.

That's when it struck me. I could just make up an acronym and that would be nearly as good. So there you have it -- or I have it. MUBS.

Muddled Up Brain Syndrome. I know it must be a good one because my spell checker said it wasn't a word. Why is that? Because nobody ever made it up before.

Whew, that was a close one. Now on to other mind boggling matters.