Friday, November 16, 2007


Ryan is my Monk. Not in the religious way, but in the germaphobic way - as in the TV show, Monk. He does not like dirt, trash, germs or anything to do with them.

If you have the last candy bar in the house and want it all to yourself, just take a bite off of it before you offer him some. He will visibly shudder... and say, "No thank you."

He doesn't like to drink after anyone. Dirty diapers make him gag and taking out the trash can take forever and a day if he is doing it alone.

We were unloading the dishwasher this morning and a plate didn't come clean. I told him to put it in the sink and just handwash it when we were done.

A few minutes later, I hear the distinct sound of gagging. I look over at him and he has the most horrified look on his face as he is doing just what I said and washing the chocolate covered plate WITH his hand.

I asked him what he was doing and he answered, "You told me to hand wash it, but can I PLEASE use a sponge?"