Monday, December 04, 2006

I am so bummed out

I thought I had invented a word and I was going to share the word with the world and investigate how I could get my new word put into the dictionary when Andi said I should google it first to make sure nobody else has already invented it and Big Guy added, "you don't want to be sued for infringement rights." He has such a keen legal mind...or else he has plagerized a lot in his young life.

So following Andi's suggestion, I googled it - only to be distraught upon learning somebody else has previously come up with my cool, new word. Snacktivity -- isn't that an awesome word?

I came up with this word when Sherie was telling me about a new recipe she had tried out - the "No Apple Apple Pie." I thought she said she found it when she was looking for a "snacktivity" for her Science class, but she just said activity - and thus, I invented a my own mind anyway. Her pie smelled delicious and we will be trying it out this week.

Anyway, back to snactivity. The "other" inventor said it was snacking as an activity - how boring. My meaning was/is to make a snack AS an activity - such as with your child. I think my meaning has a much deeper meaning than eating.

So there you have it - snacktivity. Feel free to use it - I won't sue you.