Thursday, October 04, 2007

Somebody's got some 'splainin to do

We've been watching the I Love Lucy marathon every night in our motel, so as Ricky would say, "Somebody needs to 'splain this to me."

How can a kid who won't touch a manta ray, who won't pet a fish, who won't ride a go-cart, who won't wear 3-D glasses in the IMAX, who won't go out on the lookout of the steamboat, who won't go around behind the waterfall, who won't ride in the pulley chair, who won't do just about everything there is to do will do this......

Yep, that would be Wes-man stolling merrily across a swinging suspension bridge that is probably 200 feet over nothing but craggy rocks on a mountain side and below is a picture of him as he stands with the incline track behind him - he stood for most of the ride and he was happy to point out how far we had gone. The rash on his face is from the 5ths Disease

Nothing comes to my mind as to what goes on in his............