Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tagged 4 - Things About Me:

Blaine tagged me to do this little ditty. Since it's not hard and doesn't involve much thinking, I'm gonna do it today.

Jobs I've had:
1. Landscaper - nursery work
2. Paralegal
3. Medical Collections
4. Waitress

Places I have lived:
1. Murray, KY
2. Sturgis, KY
3. Maunie, IL
4. New Harmony, IN

Food I love:
1. Steak
2. Meat Loaf
3. Shrimp
4. Mt. Dew

Websites I visit daily:
1. Bloglines
2. My bank
3. Weather Forecast
4. school related sites

Places I'd rather be: nowhere right now since we just got home but someday....... and I won't say "rather" but instead I'll say - I wouldn't be opposed to --
1. visiting Patricia
2. relaxing with my dad & Nana
3. hanging out with Zac
4. laying in a hammock with a glass of lemonade at my side and a good book, a comfy pillow, a gentle breeze and no interruptions

Movies I love:
1. Remember the Titans
2. Corrina, Corrina
3. The Replacements
4. Veggie Tales

TV shows I watch:
1. House
2. Monk
3. Psych
4. Dirty Jobs

People I tag:
1. Andi - who has lots of time to blog now :)
2. Meagan - who may not have had 4 jobs, but she has one now!
3. Ruth, who is Big Guy's big sister, and
4. Kate, who could use a break from her day - so sit and blog.

Now that wasn't so hard - go to it guys.