Thursday, October 04, 2007

Rock City, Ruby Falls & The Incline

We finished up our vacation today with the basic See Rock City package. The kids loved Rock City, although it rained a bit while we were there and for the most part we all walked around in matching bright yellow garbage bag ponchos - complimentary, no less.

Bill liked Ruby Falls the best of anything we did this week. I think everyone was ready to come home and it was a peaceful return trip as we listened to "Sarah, Plain and Tall" on CD. I love that book. I think Billski did too, but he would never admit it.

Sophie and Andi came over as soon as we got home and it was a joyful time - for about 30 seconds. Then, Sos started crying because she was so tired, so we put her down for a little nap. She's spending the night because Andi has a meeting at 8 in the morning. Sherie was roped into had volunteered to watch her overnight, so I think she is glad that we came home early too.