Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Aquarium & the boat

Today we started off the morning going to the aquarium. After hanging out there for awhile we went and got on the Southern Belle Riverboat for a sightseeing cruise. The kids all enjoyed hanging out with the captain in the pilot house and watching the sights from the top deck.

After the cruise we went back to the aquarium where we spent the afternoon watching seahorses, penguins and Ryan's favorite -- sharks. Everyone petted some sharks and manta rays - well, everyone except Wesley. He couldn't be convinced to try it.

We saw some really neat things and I saw enough things to convince me that I'm glad I don't live underwater!

Once we got done there, we wandered down the street for dinner at a rib joint called Sticky Fingers. Great food and wonderful desserts.

Wes definitely has 5th's Disease - he's covered head toe with the rash now. We decided to go home tomorrow night after we get done at Rock City and Ruby Falls.It was Bill's idea -not mine. I think he misses our bed. You know the old saying -- there's no place like home.