Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In the still of the night

You can get a lot done in the middle of the night in a quiet house. I think the near overdosing level of Benedryl, Atarax and Prednisone that I've been ingesting for the past week has about caught up with my ability to sleep.

So, if you are one of those lucky people that got another 3 a.m. postcard from me - what can I tell ya? Enjoy.

It's 4:45 and I've already been up for a few hours. I've balanced my checkbook, put all the birthdays and such in next year's calendar, made a grocery list, organized some recipes and re-organized the hall closet.

I've also planned the cooking classes for the next 4 months while looking at hundreds of recipes and now I'm starving.

I've messed around with my template and labeled some more posts from the past.

Lastly, in the exciting list of wee morning chores, I've also unfrozen my ice maker. Billski turned the freezer down the other day and since then it hasn't made any ice at all. So I thawed it out and I just heard the first clunk on the near empty bin.

I've about run out of things to do, although Wesley really needs a haircut and he's been bugging me day and night to do it. Would it be a good childhood memory for him if I picked this night and woke him up to do that?