Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hives 2 - Mom 0

A week later - after all my prescriptions have run out, the hives remain. This morning they started breaking out on my neck and scalp. Let me just assure you - not fun.

Back to the doctor for a shot of steroid and benedryl. Then I was off to the pharmacy for a longer course of steroids and antihistamines. While I was waiting for my medicine, I read a magazine that advertised a lotion called Eucerin Calming Itch Relief.

Pricey, but at this point, I was willing to give it a try. Unfortunately, I can't really tell you if it was the shots that were kicking in about then as the doctor said they would, or if the lotion helped "immediately" as it said it would. Either way, I don't care. I'm feeling better. I was reading some on hives this morning while giving spelling tests and some people take weeks for hives to go away completely.

You have no idea how much I hope I'm not one of those people.