Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Here, There & Yonder

Yesterday the kids were scattered everywhere. Big Guy and Andi took Wesley and Ryan with them to Steve's for the day to swim. Bill spent the day fishing with Carly and letting her drive the boat around the lake. Jacob hung out with me at home. His rash is fading and we didn't want to aggravate it by getting into the sunlight.

I finished the cabinet I was making, then Sherie and I painted in her shop in the morning. Afterwards, she invited Jacob to come out and go swimming in her lake. The chance to swim with teenage boys was too much for him and he was willing to risk getting his rash all over again. His plan was thwarted however, because we didn't have any life jackets at home. I made a trip to Wal Mart to see if they had any, but they only stocked the kind little babies wear as swim suits. I offered to get him one but he wasn't willing to endure the all day wedgie which would have resulted from stuffing his body into a child size body life vest.

Instead we sat home in the air conditioning and watched the movie, Supersize Me. It was enough to make me want to lay off McDonald's food for at least a lifetime year month week few days. It was incredible what a steady diet of fast food did to this man.

I spent some time today setting up all the blogs I read on Bloglines. I can already tell I'm gonna like it. Now, instead of checking all the blogs daily, it will just show me when one has been updated. If you haven't done that, it's worth the effort.

I'm on a steady pace of getting all my posts labeled. At the rate I'm going, I figure I should be done in another month or so. Hindsight and all that..... I have noticed that the newest member of our family has the most posts. What's up with that?

Andi and I were talking this morning about how Sophie doesn't know anything about TV. She doesn't recognize any characters from TV or anything in the store. That may have all changed this morning. She was having a little crying jag because Andi left for work and I told Jacob to see what was on PBS.
She was immediately sucked into the abyss known as Barney.

Sorry, Andi.
I love you.
You love me.
We're a happy family......... :)