Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Home Barbering

Are you like me? Do you hate paying someone to cut your kid's hair? I just can't see paying to have their hair cut. I used to do it. I've done it several times. But it seems as if the "professionals" don't do it much better than I do - if any.

If everyone had hair like Bill's it would be simple. We've even let Jacob cut his hair - it's hard to mess it up. Zoom, zoom and you're done. As long as you don't forget to put the guard on, you're good to go. AND if you do forget to put the guard on, you usually only forget once. Usually.
He was a Marine for years, so he's used to bad haircuts - plus, his eyesight isn't what it used to be, so I can get by with a lot of goofs there. NOT to mention, he has an unsightly scar on the back of his head from where he had a cyst cut out, so I can blame a lot of things on that - and somehow he believes me. "I can't get it to lay right because of this darn scar." That sort of thing.

I actually cried once (I know - hard to believe) at how butchered Wesley's hair was by a beautician. It was right before our family pictures and I just cancelled them. He looked horrible. He has the prettiest hair - it just has cow licks all over it and is crazy looking most of the time. But when it's clean and freshly washed and laying down nicely - it's great. Unfortunately, it only looks like that for about 10 minutes. Then it just looks Wesleytized and is everywhere. But that's just Wes-man.

I can make Jacob's look decent about 75% of the time. Carly - no sweat, just give it a little trim.

Ryan, however, is another story. He refuses to sit still. For me, for Andi, for a barber, for a beautician, for anyone. We call him Eddie after he gets a haircut. He may not know why - but we do. They usually have bangs that are about equally straight.