Monday, July 02, 2007

"The breaks are frequent, the complaints numerous."

That was the report on how a 24 mile hike was coming along when Big Guy called Andi to give a mid morning report. The plant where he works shuts down for this week so he, along with 3 other guys have taken off for a few days of wilderness adventure.

Or -- as adventurous as you can be on a well marked trail. They are however, sleeping just under tarps on the hard ground, so that's more adventure than I want in this lifetime.

They should be back late Tuesday evening, ready to get some good rest before the "Annual Stars and Stripes Spectacular Extravaganza of Joy and Joyness". otherwise known as Partying with the Alveys on the 4th.

This year, we have been ordered to bring only food with patriotic names or it won't be eaten, a homemade boat for racing and a costume to be judged for a prize from our local Wal-Mart. The invitation actually says if you do not participate in all the merrymaking, we will be deemed fuddy-duddys, taunted and shunned. Talk about your high pressure invite!

I'm thinking that whole "not eating the food" requirement might just backfire. To my way of thinking, if I don't want them to eat the Key Lime Pie or Peanut Butter Pie or Fajitas, then all I've got to do is call them that and they come home, unscathed.

Now I have a decision to make - are they Firework Fajitas or just Fajitas?