Monday, July 02, 2007

The pastor handed me a letter at church yesterday.

This time from a lady named Sarah in Santa Clara, CA who also came out of the woodwork to tell me although she's never commented, she's been reading my blog for a long time.

She ordered a cookbook and in her letter wrote, "... after your recent post about a letter your received, I felt I couldn't order one without saying "Hi." The unusual connection of blogging: I feel I know you, even though we've never met."

I've got to tell you - I had no idea so many people I don't know actually read this blog. If you have been just lurking around, why not come on out and introduce yourself? Truly, I'm not a scary person. Let me know if you also blog, so I can check out your family and get to know you.

And to you, Sarah - your cookbook was mailed this morning. I think you will enjoy it. I also added the 10 dollars you sent for our Smile Train Jar to our savings. That was very kind of you and with that addition, we are now over the 200 dollar mark. It won't be long now till some child is smiling and you will be part of that reason. Thanks!