Saturday, May 19, 2007

Welcome to Blogging, Amy

My good friend, Amy, has joined the world of blogging. Amy is a blast and does the sweetest things for me -- like bring me sweet tea from McDonald's. Her husband, John, is a hoot. He also has one of the most beautiful singing voices I've ever heard.

I've written about John once before in my blog - but it was for an extremely nice thing that he did for me when I had an emergency and Bill was out of town. It was a "30 minute" easy job that turned into a horrible, nasty, job that took him many hours to do --- on a holiday. I was sworn to secrecy that he did it and I don't know if that still holds true or not, but better safe than sorry, so you'll just have to trust me that underneath his gruff exterior is a heart of gold. Never know when I might have another emergency.

He and his "apprentice friend" also came a few weeks ago and fixed my dishwasher for me. By John fixing it, I mean, he sat in my window seat and read us interesting things out of the newspaper while Mike worked on the dishwasher.

If I happen to be standing by John when we sing during church, I know I'm in for a "treat." He's quite the stickler for the words to the song, which are projected up on the wall. If they are spelled wrong, he sings it the way it looks. Which can lead to me not quite being able to sing it right either.

Amy and I have lots of fun together. She and I took my camper up to the youth camp last year. Since she was the nurse and I was just lowly kitchen help, we slept in comfort instead of the bunk houses. There's a lot to be said for being lowly kitchen help :) If you want to be Amy's friend too, all you have to do is throw a Little Debbie Swiss Roll her way and you are good to go!