Friday, May 18, 2007

The Power of the Tootsie Roll

Jen, who happens to have the most adorable triplets in the world is getting ready to face the world of 3 kids who are 3 years old. If I could only read 2 blogs a day, I make sure hers is one of them. She has great insight into parenting and she is a woman after God's own heart. Anyway, she asked for some Tricks of the Trade in dealing with 3 year olds and got some really good ideas.

I've already done the world of 3 who were 3, 3 who were 4, 3 who were 5 and so on, till we are up to almost 3 who are 8.

Still, it took me awhile to come up with something useful to give her a good idea. Then I remembered.........

When the kids got out of cribs and into toddler beds, they thought that meant they had the liberty to get up at least 15 times each every night to go get a drink, blow their nose, get a different stuffed animal, brush their teeth again, get one more hug, get another drink, etc.
I curbed this behavior with the help of candy. Each night - each child would get 3 Tootsie Roll midgies before they went to bed. Every time they got up for something that wasn't really vital (and I was the only judge), they had to forfeit a Tootsie Roll. Any Tootsie Rolls left from their allotment of three were theirs to eat the next day.

Not too many nights went by before they were going to bed and staying there. I was happy, they were happy and bedtime went a whole lot better.