Sunday, May 20, 2007

Pentecost in the Park

I feel blessed to live in a town where churches come together to celebrate various Christian events. Every year we have an event called Pentecost in the Park. People from several churches gather at City Lake and the praise teams from each church lead the people in worshipping God.

The townspeople are invited and many come, bringing their families and their lawn chairs. Young kids play on the playground, hot dogs and cokes are provided and for just a few hours, all the hustle and bustle of life is just put aside. A cool breeze from the lake provides relief to those sitting as the sun beams down on them.

Wes and Ryan spent the entire time dragging, carrying, petting, hugging and generally loving on a little wiener dog that belongs to a friend from church. I can't tell you how many times I heard, "Don't you think they need another dog?", but I can tell you my answer..........NO.

After everything was done and cleaned up, we stayed at the park a bit longer for a birthday party. It's been a long time since I've seen so many seriously grubby kids in one place....and mine were among the grubbiest. I think they were about as glad to take a shower as I was to give them one.

Of course I didn't have my camera, but I wish I had taken a movie camera with me to capture Sophie laughing as she was swinging. It was truly a joyous laugh, coupled with some outright guffaws. Bill walked around carrying Sophie for hours and they were both quite content with that arrangement. They are becoming big buddies. Life is good at our house.