Monday, May 14, 2007

An Awesome Battle

Don't hold back, Jake. Tell me how you really feel about school....

Jacob had to write a story for his creative writing assignment today. His story was to be about a monster and a hero. It is as follows:

Once a boy named Jacob went to fight the monster! The monster was slimy, vile, dreadful school! Boys and girls had to do it all the time (3 days) but one day Jacob got mad and went and fought the monster!! Blood was flying all over the room! Jacob lost a leg but at the end he got out his knife and cut out all its pages and won! The End.
FYI - When Jacob mentions school 3 days, he means 3 days a week. What he doesn't mention, is that we take no summer vacations, or spring breaks or any other long breaks. That's 3 days a week, year round of vile, dreadful, school -- with quite a few extra thrown in for good measure that they don't even realize are school days.