Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Prayer requests

Today, Emerson Parks and Samuel Wyatt will be making their entrance into the world. Their mom, Randi, is JMom's best friend. Randi has had an extremely difficult pregnancy and the boys are being delivered almost 2 months early due to poor blood flow to the boys. Please keep them in your prayers today. Their parents, family and friends could use a peaceful day as they await the surgery later today and the boys could certainly use some help from God today, too.

While I'm asking for your prayers, please keep my dear friend, Heidi in your prayers also. She and her husband are preparing to go for a final interview to see if they are to be selected as parents to a sibling group.....of five kids.....under 10 years old. Sure it may sound daunting to you and I -- adding 5 young children to a family that already has 4 kids, 2 foster children and a daycare in the house -- but they are praying for God's will in this situation as in all things.

If the children, who are African American, come to live here, they will be moving to a town that is over 98% Caucasian. It would be nice if everyone was as colorblind as Carly who commented that Nathaniel (8) looks like ______, a boy at our church. I don't see it, but it made me happy that she did. Please pray with them.