Monday, May 14, 2007

If there is a shortage in your home town

of construction paper, I apologize. My kids love making Mother's Day cards just about as much as I love getting those cards that are filled with x0x0x0x0x00x0x0x0xs. Many actual hugs and kisses followed and after opening all my cards and gifts, we went to church. I got a new apron I really wanted and needed, and 2 pounds of Libs caramels and toffee candies, I didn't need. Luckily I was able to find some helpers throughout the day to help eat it and by nightfall, it was pretty well gone. We had a very peaceful Mother's Day.

Zac and Andie came over after church and we grilled out and then just lazed around, playing with the kids and watching TV. Bill took Carly, Wes and Ryan to shoot rockets, but Zac and Jacob were deep into battle with star war figures, so they stayed behind to finish the battle on the kitchen floor. Sophie and Andi came over later in the day and we went out to eat and shopping for a bit. She bought some new maternity clothes (quite a Mother's Day kind of thing to do.)

I even wore my kid necklace to church today. I made it a few years ago with

some pieces I found in a little gift store by the courthouse where I had to go for proceedings involving taking Carly and Ryan into foster care. I love it, but the pieces are all resin and it is HEAVY!