Friday, May 04, 2007

Answering the questions....part 3

The latecomer, Heidi asked:

1. Favorite Color? Blue - but every time I go into the women's restroom at church I want to come home and paint something that beautiful orangy rust color. Bill wants me to quit going to the bathroom at church for some reason.

2 Knowing you're not the girly type did you wear a wedding dress at either of your weddings? No. I wore a dress both times, but not a wedding dress, as in long, white and flowing.

3. If you had a choice would you continue to live in this small town? Absolutely. Even coming home from Evansville after a day in "the city", I love rounding that last curve and seeing our little Welcome sign. I love it here.

4 What started your sock fetish? No idea. I have just always loved new socks. I went through a phase where every sock was colors - no whites at all. I got over that and now I have achieved a delicate balance. I don't like to give much thought to actually picking out socks though, so if you notice, I have many socks the same blue color. That's because I took some white ones and dyed them all the same.
I also do this with the boys' underwear. Each size is a different color - elimates a lot of stress over too small or too baggy drawers.

5. Do you like jewelry besides your watch and wedding band? Only a necklace - usually every Sunday morning and sometimes if I'm going out. The diamond in it is the diamond from my original engagement ring Bill gave me, before he bought the band I wear now. Other than that - not really.