Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Answering the questions....part 2

Peggy asked:

1.What are you going to nickname the baby on the way? I'm waiting on the final names from the parents to be, so that I can compile a suitable nickname. It will be a combination of both - like Bophie was.

2. What is the worst meal you have ever cooked? Just in case you've forgotten my Thanksgiving dinner from 2 years ago, I've included the picture and although it turned out delicious, I think we can all safely agree it was not meant to look that way :)

3.How did you learn to be so good with power tools? I worked a lot with my dad growing up - he was constantly constructing something. We had a great time working together then and we still do now only now I do most of the work while he "supervises" me.

4.Are you ever going to vacation in NC? Yes, I am. Our trip last summer to your area was cut short by the possible early arrival of a certain first grandchild, so I promised the kids we would be going back -- especially to the Durham area to see where our beloved Duke Blue Devils play ball!

5.If the chance came up would you adopt more children? At this moment in my life, I can say with certainty that I feel my immediate family is complete. Of course, I've felt that way before - but I wasn't 46 then....and I am now. But, if there is a 20 year old looking for a mom, maybe.

My package arrived and I love the prickly pear drink! Great! I think everyone is starting to get their initial orders in, so I should be hearing lots of good things like that. Let me know when you want something else.

Barbara said...
1. What does your name mean? It means my parents had no clue what it would be like to be a girl with a boy's name in the era of Perry Mason and Perry Como. In their defense, however, they both think it is a beautiful name, so I know this never entered their minds.

2. How did your parents come to name you that? Here is the whole romantic tale as I've come to know it. They went to California from their small home town in Kentucky as newlyweds and while they were there, walking, hand in hand on the beach no doubt, they were befriended by a woman......named Perri. Or something like that. I have never liked my name and was determined to give my own daughter a girl's name. So I gave her a beautiful name, Andrea and promptly nicknamed her Andi -- middle name -- Jo. Two boy's names. I'm sweet that way.

3. How long have you been married? Bill and I have been married 13 years this month.

4. Did you go to college? Yes, but not until Andi and Zac were in first grade and kindergarten.

5. If so, what was your major; if not, what was your first job after high school? My major was paralegal studies. My first job after high school was working on the grounds of Murray State University in Kentucky. After that I worked on the grounds of Kentucky Dam Village State Park at Kentucky Lake. Then I went briefly to nursing school. (not for me)

My good bud, Patricia, wants to know...
1. what’s one “girly” thing you do or habit you have? I'm so UNgirly, it's frightening. I just don't have it in me to wear makeup, get my nails done, wear dresses or high heels or have pillow shams. I have PMS - that's a girly thing - does that count?

2.if you could be granted one extraordinary physical talent, what would it be? (e.g., singer, dancer, athlete) Singing is a good one. I'm sure my kids would appreciate that more than me being an athlete since I sing a lot more than I run.

3.what are your five favorite movies? Remember the Titans, The Replacements, Anne of Green Gables, Corrina, Corrina & Mary Poppins

4.what is your fondest childhood (say, before age 10) memory? Camping with my family. We always went with my aunts and uncles and cousins and grandma and we would have a blast -- all day -- for weeks on end it seemed like.

5.what was one of your best vacations? Andi's senior year trip. I wouldn't let her go to Florida with a bunch of other kids who had no business going either, but she, Jacob, his mom and I went on a 2 week trip to Colorado and New Mexico. We saw so much beauty, had a great trip and made sure we were in a motel every night in time to watch Duke as they continued winning all the way to the national championship.

Andi said...
What do you love most about your daughter? That's she's just like her mother :) That can't be a bad thing, can it?

Her husband? That he loves my daughter's family so much and he works so hard to provide for his family and that he loves God and will raise his children in a manner pleasing to God. That he's funny and he cries at movies and he always grills for me so our food isn't burned. That he's patient with the kids but can use his grown up voice if he needs to. That he will babysit for me. That he teaches the kids all kinds of things and does lots of fun things with them. That he is a great daddy and he loves his baby and the one on the way. That he is respectful and kind and has a good sense of humor. That he mows my lawn for free and even weedwhacks on occasion.

Her daughter? She brings the sunshine on a cloudy day when she comes in the door.

Her cats? Nothing. I don't love cats or anything about cats. Although Sophie likes to play with them, so I guess they are alright... but just a little bit alright.