Friday, March 02, 2007

What's a mom to do?

Carly wanted to help in the garage this morning. This "help" considerably slows things down because;

1) I'm no longer in the working mode, but in the teaching mode;

2) Jacob is no longer in the working mode, he is in the playing mode, so;

3) levels are no longer used for levels, but are now "shock paddles" for your chest when your heart stops (Charging to 300, CLEAR!);

4) clamps are now machine guns, and;

5) the scrap wood is now light sabres.

I did the only thing that made sense in this situation. I got shot by a clamp, fell to the floor so I could be revived by a level, only to be cut in two pieces by a piece of scrap wood, once I was revived and on my feet again.

Next -- I declared work day done and we all came in to get showers and go eat Chinese food with my friend, Heidi, and her kids. I'll get back to work in the morning.